Friday, January 14, 2011

Murder By Numbers - Crime Convections

The film follows characters Cassie Mayweather and her partner Sam Kennedy on a classic murder mystery case.

When first introduced to the two characters, the stereotypical representation of male and female are reversed with Cassie Mayweather - the female, being shown as the stronger character. When we first see Cassie Mayweather, straight away we can tell that she is a strong character as many of the minor characters know her or are commanded by her. An example of this is when we learn that she is training her new partner by telling him to follow her in everything she does. However, when on her own we slowly learn that a past case or past experience of her work has effected her emotionally or disturbed her, showing that when shes on her own, she is not the character that the rest of the other characters percive her to be. We also lean that she is a lonely character in a scene where she seems to be confronting this past case or experience as she is framed in the shot on her own at a table with one glass and a bottle of wine.

Techniques such as flashbacks of a crime scene or experience are used and are very typical of the Thriller genre. Certain points when Cassie is on her own we can also hear a distorted sound of this experience aswell. This helps create some mystery in the film and confuses the viewer into what the sound is they are hearing, whilst also creating some tension. The flashbacks are edited in a very unclear way, with a blury yellow tint to them, making it very unclear for the viewer to work out what had happened.

The conventions of 'Murder By Numbers' is very typical of the Thriller genre. Ominous music is used to build tension combined with flashbacks and short sequences of different scenes. The characters are also very typical of a thriller with the Investigator and her partner trying to solve the case being the main plot. Alongside the story of Cassie Mayweather and her partner we also follow the very mysterious character of Justin who at the start of the film we do not know what his role in the murder he has played or if he has played any role at all.

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

momento analysis

. The main character is isolated by his condition
. Themes of memory and time
. Helps us to see things from the main characters point of view
. Playing on his own mind with his notes and tattoos
. Obsessed with killing
. Understand more in each sequence
. Clear objectives - avenging his wife


conventions of a psychological thriller

. Crime twists
. Cliff hanger
. Clever/unusual plots
. Questions reality
. Unusual heroes
. Use of flashbacks
. Characters in conflict with their own mind
. Two characters preying on each others minds
. Danger is on a mental level rather than a physical one


conventions of a political thriller

. The threat is set against a back drop of political struggle
. Plot is designed to give political power to someone while the opponent tries to prevent it
. Innocent people drawn into political world
. Proving innocence
. Different locations
. Different cultures/countries
. Deceit
. False hero
